
As part of my new coaching offering, I’m giving a free, online tutorial on the basic techniques of zazen, or seated Zen meditation.

We’ll cover the guidance on posture, breath, and concentration from the Rinzai Zen tradition. Instructions will be followed by several short sittings, Q&A, and discussion.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021
2PM Hawaiʻi / 5PM Pacific / 8PM Eastern
Duration: 1 hour

Please RSVP and I’ll send you the Zoom link to join!


Cristina Moon

After a career in human rights and social change organizing, and graduating from the Stanford University Graduate School of Business, I embarked on three years of monastic training at Daihonzan Chozen-ji in Honolulu. While still in residence as a priest, I continue to train in zazen, Kendo, Chado, and ceramics—and now help individuals and organizations develop a fighting spirit and the ability to stay calm in the midst of chaos.